
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

More pictures from Lady Musgrave Island, The Great Barrier Reef...

Again, my apologies for boring your soxs off with my multitudes of pics from here and there. I'm a visual person, and enjoy fiddling with my pictures while I'm feeding the first-class passenger (and as you can probably tell...I do a lot of feeding of the first-class passenger...he is going to be a big, healthy boy :-). I am much less likely to come up with an interesting spiel...after all, what more can I add to a picture of a large, peaceful, turquoise-blue lagoon in the middle of nowhere? It pretty much speaks for itself in my opinion.

Yesterday we went ashore in the morning...

...and after securing the dinghy so it didn't go drifting off at an inappropriate moment and leave us stranded here {OH...wait a minute, what an EXCELLENT IDEA ;-}, we had a little walkabout! Don't you think those clouds in the shot above make it look like a steam ship just disappeared over the horizon to photo right? is hard to get lost on a 14 hectare coral I don't think we can do a Tom Hanks and hide out here with Wilson for five years...

When we got back aboard Lucey Blue Nick could hardly wait to get back off. He tried to convince Emily to follow his lead, but she'd have none of it. Opting for a less acrobatic entrance off the sugar scoops.

We went back ashore late in the afternoon, after the tour boat had departed (you can visit Lady Musgrave on a day tour out of the town of 1770)...and did a bit of beach-combing and admired the sun set. Unfortunately the camera battery died shortly into this trip (did I just hear a chorus of hoorays????)...but we did manage to catch this cute shot of the kids...

When we got back to the boat we were just deciding on dinner and getting ourselves sorted when Rick (our first visitor to Lucey Blue when we arrived here on Monday morning), came across to deliver us two large pieces of beautifully filleted Spanish Mackerel (freshly caught that morning). We were so excited, not having managed to catch anything ourselves so far, that we could hardly wait to cook it up! Nick crumbed it and fried it in oil...

...and it was DELICIOUS. A beautiful, delicate fish flavour with a lovely flaky texture. None of that mushy, been frozen for who-knows-how-long fish...this was the fish that John West WISHES he had caught...and a biggie by all accounts. Thank you so much Rick, you are the best!

Nick is planning some more technical posts detailing how we have achieved phone/internet connection out here on the Great Barrier Reef, and also how we have been using our iPad as a mobile navigation tool. So if you're into those aspects of trip planning...stay tuned.

I am going to go dip my toe in the lagoon now and see if it feels as warm as it did yesterday :-). Have a good one!

1 comment:

Vicki B said...

I want some fish!!!!!!! You should take up photography Sam the photos are great! You will never want to come back to work! Look forward to more instalments.

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