
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It was a sunny day...

...and the wind was light and from a good direction so first thing this morning we ventured off the marina berth and onto the fuel wharf. We came on and off the marina and fueling wharf without incident...yeah!

The biggest obstacle was working out how the 24/7 self serve fuel pump actually worked...I stood there like a twit, credit card in hand, for about 15 minutes reading the pump literature, until I figured it wasn't hard either.

While we were there we also took the opportunity to trial the new sullage pump out point that Nick installed in the starboard side stern locker this week. It worked perfectly...if pumping sullage can be described thus ;-).

Nick has also been very busy making some temporary 'porta potties' because...well, the sullage tank is very small and Sydney Harbour is a nil discharge zone...say no more...

The kids then spent some of the afternoon hanging off the stern steps 'prawning'. I know...not likely to find prawns off a marina, in 6 metres of Sydney Harbour water, with a 20 cm net...but you won't know for sure unless you try...right?

Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

PS. Just thought I'd show you the crystal santa that we have growing onboard (thanks Grandi). We also have a beautiful crystal Christmas tree, and they are fabulous little things. They come as a kit of cardboard coloured with food dye and a little sachet of liquid with glycerin in it (I think). You then stand the cardboard in a tray, and pour in the liquid and as the liquid is drawn up through the cardboard and evaporates, the crystals grow. Great fun for the kids:

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