
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back to Sydney Harbour...

Just thought I'd show you this shot of me (well, the back of my head actually...I'm not Cousin It...most days at any rate), blogging in the wild (America Bay)...

We've moored in America Bay for five nights now (and once in Refuge Bay), and we have never had mobile phone coverage, or Telstra USB modem coverage inside the bay...but today, for some reason...we have coverage...if you sit on the steps at the stern...on the port side.

Also thought you'd get a kick out of this shot of Ryan...apparently his bed is not to his liking...and he'd prefer to sleep on the teensy weeny seat in his room instead...

(pretty mean of me snapping the flash in his face in the middle of the night huh? But he didn't wake up...not even when Nick picked him up and returned him to his 'real' bed).

We left America Bay at 7:30 am and motored back to Sydney. We put the fishing line out, just in case, and sat back to enjoy the ride.

While Ryan was busy amusing himself with a book in the saloon...

Nick and Emily went forward and were hanging their heads over the edge of the you do...apparently...

Suddenly Nick was pointing and trying to get my attention. He'd just seen two fairy penguins in the water! Shortly thereafter, we noticed a fish on our line. It was a Bonito, about 2 kg.

Nick put it in a bucket and passed it to me, while he dealt with the fishing line. I put the bucket down and was admiring the big teeth on the fish, when it started jumping wildly, and jumped right out of the bucket and into the cockpit, where it proceeded to flap about on the floor. I started screaming, and Nick had to run for a hammer, and deal with him :-(....Eeeeeeeew.....can you tell I've never lived on a farm?

Nick then filleted it on the stern is very useful, having so much room back there.

About 30 minutes later, the line started reeling out again, and in came another Bonito...this one about 3 kg in size...

....the kids took turns investigating this one closely...

That was the end of our fishing luck for the day, so we motored on in to Sydney Harbour (we only just got back in time too...I was feeling pretty green around the gills by the time we got back...despite the relatively calm day).

We motored back to our little mooring off Fairlight beach...only our mooring wasn't there!!! It wasn't a case of someone else taking it, it just was nowhere to be found. So we called the Manly Boatshed, and the organised someone to come and dive for it, and re-attach a buoy.

So while we were waiting for that to happen we went and anchored off Manly Beach, with Delwood Beach just to the side of us. The bottom was mud and weeds, so the anchor held well. We went ashore in the dinghy and had lunch at the Bavarian Bier Cafe on the ferry wharf...Yummy! Then we went for a walk up the Corso.

We are now back in Fairlight, the buoy having been replaced...and we are all looking forward to a meal of fresh Bonito!

Hope you are having a nice weekend too.


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