Back to the was D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S., and Nick cooked it beautifully (lightly floured and covered in bread crumbs) :
We had it with baked potatoes and steamed snow peas. Even Oscar partook...his was raw though and he had no snow peas or potatoes:
I've also been meaning to show you a picture of one of the under-bunk lockers (in the port-side forward cabin) that Emily refers to as FOODWORLD:
Very funny, because it is so true, and this photo was taken AFTER we had been using it for two weeks. It was food universe before that ;-).
On Sunday morning we all hiked in to Manly and up the Corso to the surf beach, where Nick and the kids went for a swim. Neither of them wanted to get out of the water (hence Ryan's ever-so-happy face):
Nick's parents came to visit and stay with us on Monday the kids had a sleepover:
You might be able to see in the photo that there is a panel of the blue stuff missing in Emily's room. We are going to make her a cork board to cover it up, and now every time we take a photo she says 'can I have a copy for my corkboard?'. We are definitely going to need a bigger corkboard.
We went over to Store Beach (next to Quarantine) on Tuesday...but I didn't get any photos over there.
We also did a bit of craft with Grandma...and these fashion statement, pipe cleaner reading glasses are what we made:
Yesterday we went to the zoo in the afternoon:
Later today or tomorrow we will head around to a new mooring at The Spit.
Hi Sam,
nice to see what you guys have been up to. You had me laughing especally after the he/she hit me bit. PS: Loved the pipe cleaner glasses :)
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Love Kim
LOL - loved this post Sam! I got a laugh from the same bits as Kim!!
I reckon you need to be whipping up some of those glasses to wear at convention! lol Noice!!!!!!
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