
Saturday, January 23, 2010

North Harbour Snorkelling

I forgot to post these photos from a late afternoon snorkelling trip we recently took on the rocks half way between Fairlight beach and the Manly Boatshed.

You can see Lucey Blue in the background (just to the right of the houseboat). The headland behind that is part of Dobroyd Head (and is National Park), and the gap to the left of the headland is looking straight out through the Sydney Harbour Heads. It is a lovely place to be....but it does get a bit bumpy when the swell is from the east.

We all went in at first...

But the kids gave up after a short while and went back to play with the dogs (and their walkers) on the little beach.

Nick and I saw...

something fishy

a Flounder...

...a Gobi...or something that looks like one...

hmmmmm, stripey fish

double hmmmmmm, silver fish

and something squishy...

If you know what this is, please do has me intrigued. It was about 10 cm diameter, perhaps a little more and looked like it was just rolling about on the bottom in the weeds. I saw at least three of them...and no, it wasn't me just swimming in circles and seeing the same one again and again ;-).

We saw something curly...

...and something girly

We saw something rusty...

...and something that had once been trusty

...should we upgrade?

Who would have thought there'd be so much sea life in a small Sydney Harbour bay, full of moored boats?

The kids needed a recuperation lie down when we got back to Lucey Blue!



Karen said...

Hey there Sam!! I thought I commented on this lot of fact I could swear I did, so dunno what happened! lol

I can't believe what awesome underwater pics your camera takes! I hope your gonna get into scrapbooking when you come back cause you have alllooooooottttt of pics to get crackin' on! lol

Miss ya!


Debbie Pamment said...

WOW Sam - am soooo glad you sent me this link!! I have been drooling over you wonderful pics! What a FABULOUS array of memories you are going to give your kids of their childhood! And of course it can't be too hard for you and DH either - LOL.
Thanx sooo much for sharing this part of your life - I'm there in my mind!

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