
Monday, July 25, 2011

Exploring Lady Musgrave Lagoon

We never actually made it ashore today. Nick and the kids were absolutely BUSTING to get into the water, so after a bit of outboard maintenance, a visit by a friendly neighbouring yachtie or two, and some lunch...

...they donned their stinger suits and wetsuits and were away (leaving me holding the baby ;-)!

(who else thinks that the dinghy looks like it is actually hovering over the crystal clear water in the shot above?!!!).

I spent a very pleasant afternoon snuggling with Eric and reading my Clive Cussler book.

Apparently the snorkeling here is pretty good...

...and Nick assures me I'll love it, but the water doesn't feel that warm to me, so we'll have to see about that (and someone has to look after Eric afterall :-).

Nick and I are both absolutely cactus. Nighty night.


Patrice said...

Wow that water looks gorgeous!

tux said...

I agree with Patrice - that is amazing water!!! What the heck am I doing in Ohio? I wouldn't use blue in any sense of the word to describe the water in the Ohio River.

Sam said...

These pics don't even begin to do the water colour justice either! I can't believe we are only about 30 nm off the coast of Australia.

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