
Friday, July 8, 2011

A peaceful afternoon on the Coral Sea...

This pic taken 10 mins ago using the MacBook camera...

Co-ordinates: 26 degrees 44.32 mins south, 153 degrees 18.13 mins east
Location: Off Mooloolaba, Queensland
Speed over ground: 6.3 kt
Weather: perfect, cloudless afternoon, very light breeze from the east
On the iPod: Beat It - Michael Jackson
Crew: Mum at the helm, Dad catching some Zzzzzzs with Eric, Ryan reading at the saloon table and Emily reading in her cabin.



Diane Barnes said...

Ahoy Capt'n! You're looking very relaxed Sam. Hope Eric's sleeping is improving. So jealous that you're near Mooloolaba - one of my fave holiday places. Stay safe & have fun. Hugs, Di

KimB said...

Hi Sam :)
Just had fun reading back through the most recent adventures. You sound very relaxed and happy in todays installment and alot warmer than us! I'll keep an eye out for the next update. Are the kids getting a school holiday break on the boat as Term 2 just finished here today? Our Miss 6 is off to visit my folks for the first time.
Happy sailing ;)

Vicki B said...

So glad that you are all enjoying yourselves, especially with such good weather. It has been a bit cool here. Talk soon!

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