
Monday, July 11, 2011

Tin Can Bay Wash Day

Today is wash day on Lucey Blue. Five loads of washing, all carted from our berth to the Marina ammenities block (one of the very furthest berths from the ammenities block of course) and back, then strung up across the foredeck...

But you can't really complain when the weather is gorgeous, sunny and a balmy 22 degrees (sorry to my fellow Canberrans and Sydneysiders, don't mean to rub it in ;-)...and you know you have this to look forward to again this evening...

We are also preparing for a possible day-trip to Fraser Island tomorrow with some friends from Canberra. Topping up fuel tanks, repairing the hole in the dinghy, tidying away accumulated 'stuff' like charts, tools etc. I may even break out some cake-making goodies later and try a Peach Blossom cake (recipe courtesy of Emma's Grandma...thanks Emma and Grandma!!).

The more we see and experience of Tin Can Bay, the more we like it. Such a relaxed little community, and such friendly people. It has been a real pleasure to stay here.

Hope your Monday has been a good one too.


Diane Barnes said...

I think even I could handle wash day with a backyard like that. Enjoy the sun & warmth Sam!

KimB said...

Gorgeous photos Sam:) Funnily enough I reckon my favourite is the one of the washing flapping in the sun.
Kim xxx

Anonymous said...

Well, if the main sail gives up the ghost the washing should be a good substitute!! Emily must have had a field day helping hang that lot, but what a great place to do it. Looks like lots of good painting subjects.
Wish I was there. Luv & hugs Mum

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