
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tranquil Tin Can Bay...

After a successful crossing of the Wide Bay Bar, which I think put on its very best behaviour for us, we meandered down the Tin Can Bay Inlet and found a berth at the Tin Can Bay Marina. Sitting on the sugar scoops with Ryan this afternoon, this was our view...

Well...our view wasn't crooked like that...but it was very tranquil!



Catherine said...

What beautiful photos Sam, looks like you all are having a fabulous time. So jealous of your lovely weather, it is so cold here in North East Victoria!!!!

Patrice said...

I'm loving reading all your updates. All sounds so exciting and fun. Great piccies you've been sharing too!

Take care xox

Mum said...

What a lovely calm spot, easy to nod off there I feel sure. Cold and windy again today with a top of 17, I'm turning green.

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