
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Race Weekend at Keppel Bay Marina...

We've been having fun at this marina. It is the Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race weekend here and there are parties and lots of people continually coming and going. A number of yachts arrived yesterday including Wild Oats XI and Lahana (which is berthed not far from us, so made a nice portlight view this morning)...

Most of the race entrants are still on their way up and will finish later today, or early tomorrow. Some of them appear to be en-route to the Whitsundays for the Audi Hamilton Island Race Week...which we may just arrive for the tail end of (if the wind is right ;-). So all in all, a fun time to be around.

I got up early yesterday, and took a stroll around the harbour, which looked very pretty as the sun was coming up...

...extra points if you can spot Lucey Blue in the marina shot above.

We might head into town again today (I went for a small recce trip on the bus yesterday) and start doing some food shopping. We have a few more days here before we head north, possibly to Port Clinton and then the Percy Islands.

Have a good one!

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