
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Party lights and Hamilton Island

After a lovely afternoon spent by the Main Pool (mocktails in hand), we had a little impromptu party on Lucey Blue last night because it was to be our last night at Hamilton Island, and I am going to miss it.

The previous evening we had met and chatted with a lovely couple (Trevor and Pam) aboard their beautiful motor boat Triton. In addition to donating us one of their lures (I think they felt sorry for us and our terrible fishing record), they gave us some of their fresh caught Cobia (or Black Kingfish). Nick crumbed and pan fried it, and served it with salad, and it was SUPERB! Big thanks to Trevor and Pam for making our farewell party dinner such a good one.

Here are some of my favourite shots taken around beautiful Hamilton Island...

The stylish Hamilton Island Yacht Club, one of the first buildings you see upon entering the marina.

Another view of the yacht club.

The hanging verandah of the Hamilton Island Yacht Club, looking across the passage to Dent Island.

Lucey Blue alongside F-arm at the Hamilton Island Marina.

Looking out over the Hamilton Island Marina, with Dent Island in the background.

The Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo, a not-so-welcome visitor on Lucey Blue. These pretty devils will chew holes in anything if you let them hang about.

The kids spent hours in the huge main pool (which also had a pool bar...bring on the pink lemonade)!

Island touring in golf buggy style.

We left Hamilton Island this morning, and are currently motoring towards the north end of Hook Island. Our plan is to overnight in one of the bays up there, and then tomorrow we may head back out to the reef for some more diving and snorkelling.


Anonymous said...

Top pictures. LOL Me

Unknown said...

I love your pictures of the harbour. I would like to discuss one in particular with you. Could I have your email address or if you'd like to contact me?

Sam said...

Hi Michele, Thanks for your comment. My email address is:


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